Mental health resources for people with disabilities

People with disabilities often face obstacles when getting mental health care.  Some of these barriers include discrimination,  stigma and communication barriers making it difficult to get the mental help that they need.  These resources provide education on types of disabilities, mental health treatment resources, support, and 

General Information about mental health and disabilities


  • People With disabilities: Disabilities can be very misunderstood.  This page gives information on what having a disability is and how people with disabilities face mental health barriers.
  • The mental health of people with disabilities :  Statistics and information about mental health and people with disabilities
  • The history of willowbrook: People with disabilities have a long history of mistreatment and abuse. Understanding this history can create a better future for people with disabilities. Especially when it comes to receiving support and services. This video shows the devastating conditions that people with disabilities dealt with at Willowbrook State School (which at the time was the largest institution for people with disabilities). The exposure to the conditions shocked many people and led to changes regarding the treatment of people with disabilities. In the video workers, families, and residents discuss their experience at Willowbrook. (Trigger warning: Many images, videos, and discussions may be disturbing.)


  • Government Benefits:  Having good mental health means also having access to basic health care and financial assistance.  This website accesses your eligibility for any federal benefit programs. By completing a questionnaire you will be provided resources on the benefits you may be eligible for and where to apply for those benefits. 
  • Disability rights: Protection and Advocacy (P&A) Systems protect the rights of people with disabilities. If you have experienced neglect, abuse, or discrimination due to your disability, the P&A will provide resources to other organizations or for you to receive legal action. 
  • Medicaid: If you have SSI benefits you may also quality for Medicaid. 
  • Disability specific resources: Having resources that are specifically for your disability can help with providing the best services for your physical and mental needs.  This page lists all resources based on your specific disability. 